Software for Java Developer

Confused in downloading required software on web ??? Of course you do, since it is ADWARE Generation. I have a solution for you, Only clean downloads. Here you go......
One stop to get you all software from respective official sites.

Click - Save - Install - Configure - Enjoy Coding

  • ORACLE JAVA (Version: 8u161)
[Windows Download (EXE File)]*
*but it installs only "JRE" under Program Files (x86)

[Common Download (Latest Version (URL))]

  • ECLIPSE (Version: Oxygen.3a (4.7.3a) )
[Windows Download 1 (EXE File)]

[Windows Download 2 (ZIP File)]

[Linux Download 1 (TAR File Installer)]

[Linux Download 2 (TAR File)]

  • APACHE MAVEN  (Version: 3.5.3)
[Windows Download (ZIP File)]

[Linux Download (TAR File)]

  • APACHE TOMCAT (Version: 8.5.XX)
[Tomcat official download page]

[Windows Download 1 (EXE File)]

[Windows Download 2 (ZIP File)]

[Linux Download (TAR File)]

[Tomcat as a service on Linux]

  • Git (Version: 2.16.2)

  • APACHE ACTIVEMQ (Version: 5.15.3)

[Windows Download (ZIP File)]

[Activemq as a service on Windows]

[Linux Download (TAR File)]

[Activemq as a service on Linux]

  • APACHE CASSANDRA (Version: 3.11.2 (Linux) &  3.9.0 (Windows))

[Windows Download (MSI File)]

[Cassandra Installation on Windows]

[Cassandra Download Info]

[Linux Download (URL)]
