
Showing posts from August, 2016


Yum Repository Steps to create yum repository Example: CentOS 7 1)       Log in as root or superuser ($ prompt = Normal user; # prompt = Super user) 2)       # df (df= disk free or disk file system) 3)       # cd media path/Packages (cd=change directory; media path is the red box in the pic) Note: Prefer to type the path while (cd) changing directory rather copy paste 4)       # rpm -ivh vsftpd* (rpm=redhat package manager; vsftpd=very secure file transfer protocol daemon) 5)       # rpm -ivh delta* 6)       # rpm -ivh python-delta* 7)       # rpm -ivh createrepo* (-ivh stands for install, verbose, hash; # man rpm (this gives you complete information about those options)) 8)       # cd / 9)       # mkdir repo (mkdir=make d...

Pulling the tire off the dumper truck

Video was taken with Nokia Lumia 720 @SCCL ( The Singareni Collieries Company Limited (A Government Company) ),  Godavarikhani, Telangana. 

Nokia Lumia 1020

Nokia Lumia 1020 L umia 1020  (known as  Lumia 909  during development )  - A handy little DSLR camera phone with 41MP . Unique features: Image courtesy: Massive camera with 6 lenses Image courtesy: Xenon flash Other features like it supports Wireless charging and an exclusive accessory "Camera Grip" For complete details checkout link below

Creative angle of me #KesariBabu

Grinning Face & Winking Face #Capsicum  Trueloves #Orange Darlings 

Export of VM from one ESXi to another using OVF tool on Windows

OVF tool (Open Virtualization Format) VMware OVF Tool is a command-line utility that allows you to import and export OVF packages to and from many VMware products. ESXi-1 (source)                           ESXi-2 (target) PC Download OVF Tool using below link based on your requirement. That is OS on which your PC running Windows or Linux After Installation go to source ESXi server then turn off VM which we are exporting and remove CD/DVD drive and any USB (ESXi server--->VM--->edit settings--->remove) Then return to PC Here I take PC with windows OS Open command prompt and navigate to its absolute path (C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool) Then run the below command ovftool  -ds=datastore1  vi://root@  vi://root@ The entire transfer process is carried out ...