Yum Repository Steps to create yum repository Example: CentOS 7 1) Log in as root or superuser ($ prompt = Normal user; # prompt = Super user) 2) # df (df= disk free or disk file system) 3) # cd media path/Packages (cd=change directory; media path is the red box in the pic) Note: Prefer to type the path while (cd) changing directory rather copy paste 4) # rpm -ivh vsftpd* (rpm=redhat package manager; vsftpd=very secure file transfer protocol daemon) 5) # rpm -ivh delta* 6) # rpm -ivh python-delta* 7) # rpm -ivh createrepo* (-ivh stands for install, verbose, hash; # man rpm (this gives you complete information about those options)) 8) # cd / 9) # mkdir repo (mkdir=make d...