
Showing posts from September, 2016

Bichagadu Telugu Movie

A strong HOPE can do anything. His hope for his mother life made him beggar for 48 days. I recommend you to watch this  good movie.

Game Of Riddles -The Hobbit

Gollum vs Bilbo   What has roots as nobody sees, is taller than trees. Up, up, up it goes and yet, never grows. Answer: The mountain. Thirty white horses one a red hill. First they champ, then they stamp then they stand still.   Answer: Teeth Voiceless, it cries. Wingless flutters. Toothless bites. Mouth-less mutters.   Answer: Wind A boxes without hinges, key or lid. Yet golden treasure inside is hid.   Answer: Egg All things it devours. Birds, beasts, trees, flowers. Gnaws iron, bites steel, grind hard stones to meal.   Answer: Time Source: The Hobbit An Unexpected Journey

Word of the day

Supercalifragilisticexpialidiocious One of the longest words in English super- "above", cali- "beauty", fragilistic- "delicate", expiali- "to atone", and docious- "educable" roughly = "Atoning for educability through delicate beauty." Commonly defined as "extraordinarily good" or "wonderful" For complete info visit:


THE BAADER-MEINHOF PHENOMENON ARTICLE #136 – WRITTEN BY ALAN BELLOWS You may have heard about Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon before. In fact, you probably learned about it for the first time very recently. If not, then you just might hear about it again very soon. Baader-Meinhof is the phenomenon where one happens upon some obscure piece of information—often an unfamiliar word or name—and soon afterwards encounters the same subject again, often repeatedly. Anytime the phrase “That’s so weird, I just heard about that the other day” would be appropriate, the utterer is hip-deep in Baader-Meinhof. Most people seem to have experienced the phenomenon at least a few times in their lives, and many people encounter it with such regularity that they anticipate it upon the introduction of new information. But what is the underlying cause? Is there some hidden meaning behind Baader-Meinhof events? The phenomenon bears some similarity to synchronicity, which is the experi...